Ramarajan Songs Download
In this page, we have listed actor ramarajan tamil movie songs sorted by alphabetical order.

List of Ramarajan Tamil Movie Songs
Ramarajan Hits album has 42 movies, you can download high quality songs from this album on MassWala.Com website at a bitrate of 320 Kbps.
Ramarajan Love Duet Songs Playlist
Ramarajan Duets is a collection of 21 popular romantic songs from Tamil cinema, featuring the beloved actor Ramarajan. This playlist highlights timeless melodies sung by renowned playback singers like K. S. Chitra, Mano, S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, and S. Janaki, capturing the essence of classic Tamil romance.
We beleive these songs can be downloaded faster than websites such as masstamilan, isaimini, tamilwire, starmusiq, vedimuthu and kuttyweb.